Monday, March 19, 2012

The more love and care you send out toward a person or issue, the more you come into alignment with your spirit, and the more your intuition comes on-line.

A place of great beauty at dawn..   a beautiful place to meditate in front of nature for your highest good.

Heart intuition or intelligence brings the freedom and power to accomplish what the mind, even with all the disciplines or affirmations in the world, cannot do if it's out-of-sync with the heart.    Doc Childre and Howard Martin, HeartMath Solution

Dr. Joyce Brothers
Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.

Albert Einstein
The only real valuable thing is intuition.

What more can I say after all of that other than to remember your gut instinct is always right.  You higher conscience knows things you don't know and operates on an entirely different wavelength to what we do in our daily lives just existing here on earth.  Line your heart up with yourself and you are at the gate of  personal illumination of both yourself and why you are even here. 

At the seat of this is Love.  Love is the absolute free will of God.  It is the creative energy that flows through us in the form of electromagnetic energy produced by the many hidden places deep inside our amazing human form.  Inside is our true spirit that is our connection with God.  Inside there we are given the love of God to create.  He loves us  and responds to us when we acknowledge this powerful connection to the source.

The Universe is was and always will be but will be ever changing.  I am talking about the energy that thought this into existence in the first place.  Say God if you will or the supreme creator of all things possible.  It is just too big to ponder and we don't really need to.  The hints are all around us and if we do not see them,  we choose this. That is the true good and evil.  You are either for this planet or against it.  I am for the planet / the Universe / the solar system.  I am for loving the energy that makes it all happen.
 Love Mezza

Image by Mezza - A purple and Brave dawn in Urunga

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