Tuesday, March 27, 2012

LYME DISEASE IS HERE despite what the government wants you to think!

Doctors algorithm for Australian Lyme-like diseaseDoctors algorithm for Australian Lyme-like disease (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Why is the Health Department fighting this? Why are they so quick to say this does not exist in Australia when it clearly does.  What is their motivation for this?

I have been bitten by some ticks last year and was taken to hospital with an Anaphylactic shock reaction to the bite.  My throat swelled and various other parts of my body and I was very ill.  I had to get an ambulance as I was unable to operate a motor vehicle.  I don't display all the symptom's all the time but I for one do know that that tick affected me.  I now have a strange reaction to even the smallest bite of anything and I am 52 years old and I have never been affected this way before.

It is debilitating.  I have strange symptomatology and I am glad that someone is at least seeing through the crap and giving people relief.. I have to be careful because I seem to swell just hearing an insect, and I was never this way before and this is what has lead me to look into this fact that there is something going on with the ticks in Australia.

Also I see fit to say to our CSIRO that if you think these ticks are in Indonesia and not here then you haven't taken notice of your lessons and at one stage there was a land bridge between these two land masses so it is feasible they are here and have adapted as the situations environmentally changed and now we have what we know as the Paralysis tick and it is lethal to some.  This is what I think as a non doctor person that this Lyme disease is caused from being bitten by this tick.

I am not alone as I have found that there is a doctor nearby to where I live who also believes this and he risking his neck going out on a limb the way he is.  I am so glad that Doctor Gull Herzberg is standing up to the Health Department and their ability to manipulate reality to the rest of the mere mortals.   Thank You Gull.

What is Lyme Disease... well its a mixture of things and so I will briefly dictate as follows:
Lyme disease, or Lyme borreliosis, is an emerging infectious disease caused by at least three species of bacteria belonging to the genus Borrelia.  Borrelia is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected ticks belonging to a few species of the genus Ixodes ("hard ticks").

 Early symptoms may include fever, headache, fatigue, depression, and a characteristic circular skin rash called erythema migrans (EM). Left untreated, later symptoms may involve the joints, heart, and central nervous system. In most cases, the infection and its symptoms are eliminated by antibiotics, especially if the illness is treated early. Delayed or inadequate treatment can lead to the more serious symptoms, which can be disabling and difficult to treat.

Giving ticks the flick

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1 comment:

Kathy Da Silva said...

I am very glad this is a discussion particularly as the actual Lymes disease is hard for a GP to discern. My sister one year spoke of a rash on her leg that would not go away,(Alison would often go into the New Forest in Hampshire in England to my father's grave near where there are deer, who have ticks I suppose) and for many months and a few years afterward, thought she was ill with something, but the GP thought only to give her a steroid for the so called 'rash', but it was only in one place and she decided to go toward alternative medicine. Later, she became quite ill, initially getting giddy spells like a severe migraine, and after her tongue started to become numb and she had slurred speech. After that was investigated they did the test for motor neurons which eventually became the diagnosis but I am convinced it started with the tick bite. So I would be interested where the researchers go with this. If there is an anti venom style antibiotic for example. K Da Silva