Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Nothing More desperate than a desperate politician". - Gerald Cilente

Each day I wake very early and with an increasing sense of doom . I have become concerned about the state of the world and the trouble brewing within the governments of our planet. The greed and the rampant consumerism is rife.  I am weary of being dictated to.  I want to take back the power into my own hands and be responsible more for myself and not live by government stipulations about seeds and food and eating.  It is the eating that has made everyone sick.  Why would I want to take their poison.  I don't.

Local trading must get back on the agenda and we need to have sovereignty over our food in our own shires, areas etc etc. That would mean we could purchase foods ie. Vegetables cheeses Milk and meats etc etc from local farmers at the gate.   We would do this with common sense and at our own risk.  You for example would not purchase milk from a filthy dairy.  Your own common sense will be necessary to look out for your own health etc.  You take back the responsibility to think again for yourself. 

Word of mouth is powerful advertising. With the aid of social media this is a time like no other and a WINDOW like no other to take back the power from these power hungry soldiers in the HUMAN GROCERY STORE ( Guns and Roses lyric).. Computer usage is increasing our brain power, our grey matter is growing and isn't it curious that all computers were grey when they started.  To me it was like a silent symbol of where we were going with this.

We need to stop importing the gigantic amount of junk from overseas at cheap prices. It is junk.  Why spend your hard earned on junk?  Everyone does better if we trade locally in our own country!  We need to STOP.  Otherwise the manufacturing and retail industries are going to lose more jobs.  We have to stop looking at the bottom line and start looking back at what is good for us as the nation we live in.   For myself I should buy real Gold and hang onto the gold I already have.  Including my ex's wedding ring he gave me back. ( he now wants back again)   Gold may come in handy in this upcoming depression that will inevitably happen and its happening fast.  Growing your own food in some capacity, either in a co op or in your back yard or balcony.  Growing anything that will help you survive will be an advantage.

The photographic image above to me represents the empty street where no one buying anything in the retail outlets. Why?   Because we just cannot do it anymore!

Please watch the Gerald Celente interview with Australia's own ABC interview with him recently this week.

Understanding how this all has occurred one must understand how the agenda's  of governments and greedy capitalist nations.   Please watch the following video regarding chem trail's and globalization etc etc etc and the horrible results from thereof.  If you think this stuff isn't real.  You are in for a shock aren't you.

On a slightly and I mean only slightly I would love it if you also then watched 4o years of history .. a song to make you think and so much more has happened since  then.

Image by Mezza - Deserted street in Urunga

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