Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Secret womans business

Stuff kept in secret is kept that way for a reason.  If you are trusted with a secret, always remember loose lips sink ships.  Trouble always ensues when someone divulges a secret.  It is no longer a secret.
Secretive .. Secret woman's business..  This was a travesty.   This may just have happened because the spiritual law meant it was a secret. Doesn't make what happened right though... SECRET is something that is between you and God.

Looking out over the mouth of the Kalang and Bellinger Rivers towards the Heads.
Pain eases with apology over Ngarrindjeri secret women's business  by: David Nason  July  2010 
As apologies go it lacked the grandeur of Kevin Rudd's 2008 sorry to the Stolen Generations and the awe of Paul Keating's Redfern speech of 1992.

But for the Ngarrindjeri women who had come to Goolwa at the mouth of the Murray to have their most sacred stories and songs vindicated, the words were powerful and felt deeply.

They gathered at Jekejere Park near the foot of the Hindmarsh Island bridge and heard South Australian Water Minister Paul Caica officially endorse the 2001 finding of Federal Court judge John von Doussa that their "secret women's business" was genuine.
Mr Caica said he hoped the acknowledgment could help heal the pain caused by the construction of the bridge and by a royal commission finding that the Ngarrindjeri beliefs were a hoax.

From Wikipedia:  Controversy plagued the work of the Royal Commission. The 'proponent women' refused to give evidence to the Commission; 'dissident' Ngarrindjeri women claimed threats and intimidation; Ngarrindjeri elder, Doug Milera reportedly withdrew his allegations that the 'secret women's business' had been fabricated; amateur historian, Betty Fisher, told the Commission she had first been told of the 'secret women's business' in 1960; and anthropologists from the South Australian Museum disputed the existence of the 'secret women's business'.
 Image by Mezza - Urunga playground at the foreshore 2011

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