Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's the seed power

There is more to existence than mere physical reality, and that a transcendent intelligence inheres and instructs the development of this universe, including the observed processes of evolution.

Aboriginal is the oldest of the tribes on our planet, with a known continuity of cultural history dating back 50,000 years.  We speak of the "Dreamtime" of the distant past when the Gods walked on the Earth and created people, sacred places, animals and the ways of human society.  We believe a jiva or guruwari, a "seed power," is deposited in the Earth, "a symbolic footprint of the metaphysical beings whose actions created our world."  "We have been here since the time before time began," explains an Aboriginal elder. "We have come directly out of the Dreamtime of the great Creative Ancestors. We have lived and kept the Earth as it was on the First Day. All other peoples of the world came from us."

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