Monday, October 03, 2011


        Angels wear white .... in the Philly advertisement.

This white post is dedicated to Texsy.  Her spirit is now without spot or blemish and as snow white as this beautiful white strawberry flower.

The Strawberries in my garden all came from one tiny plant I brought home from Charlotte Rogers house three years ago.  I lovingly transplanted it into a pot when we moved house and there remains the core plant still in the pot and all of the strawberry plants have come from that first which is still in the pot.

Recently I made strawberry planters from the 2ltr Coca Cola bottle cut into halves and put a drainage hole in each of them and attached them to the fence high off the ground.  away from the ground ants.   This so far has been a huge success with the strawberry plants now cascading downwards from these pots with there bounty of fruit kept reasonably safe and ant free. 

I love to go in search of the strawberries that hide under the green foliage, we get enough for desert most days.  A wonderful source of Vitamin C and antioxidants.  The taste is awesome.  Nothing like those huge tasteless wonderful looking, but poor tasting berries in the supermarkets.  Our fruit are delicious.

Having a bountiful supply of strawberries is a massive convenience. The fruit is versatile, as it can be used fresh or cooked on pastry or in a jam or jelly. 

Either way, plant some strawberry plants today! Incorporate this fruit into your life and you too can enjoy these benefits.

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