Thursday, September 01, 2011


Black is my favorite color.  I go back to black, black, black, black!  Well known line from the late Amy Winehouse's album by the same name "Back to Black"

Rustproofed Canowind Chimes by Mezza
I love blackouts and using candles when there is a power outage.  There is something romantic about this to me.

My car is black.  My bestfriend's hair is black.  My cat is black. In fact my first cat was black as well.    Black is not considered a color as it has the absence of light. People have black moods, and if you traveling along alright financially speaking, you are said to be trading in the black.  
Lately everything appears black, some days are in fact blacker than others for me.  Is this depression?  Is depression normal when your in fact sad?  I think so, I think that if your feeling like your heart has been completely crushed beyond recognition than Black is how your going to feel.  
If you are punched in the eye you get a black eye..... same same if your punched in the heart you get a black heart, its not rocket science.
BOST - BASQUE word for the numeral 5

Image by Mezza - Canowind Chimes painted black

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