Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lockyer Gate

Yes, a play on words with the suffix gate at the end to denote a scandal as stark as this image below and as hairy.
IMG 8906 
 First he was unsure, then he thought it was not a good idea, and because of a multimillion dollar contract the best of the best jumped on board to show Football hero Darren Lockyer just how safe Csg is.  In other words when he says he feels much more comfortable now, he really is saying this, " they did a great job of feeding me a lot of scientific spin that was meant to sound good, and it did sound so good I feel comfortable now".

In 2012  Darren Lockyer signed a three-year contract, the amount of this contract was not made public knowledge .  He was sweetened with a huge sum of money to be the safety ambassador for the multi billion dollar APLNG project at Gladstone.

He has been had, he has not seen the Condamine River bubbling with methane and he has not met the 26 families at Tara at the Kogan Gas Field area.  He believes the government findings that say there are no health or safety issues.  He has done no independent research.  Can someone buy that man a Woman's Day Magazine please,  Debbie Orrs story!

He has no comment about the families in Queensland and Nth N.S.W. that already have health impacts that are a direct result of this rogue Csg Industry.  He believes the Csg industry is doing it as safe as they can.  He knows he is going to cop flack he also said.  He believes he will cop flack for what he deems presenting the facts, little does he realize how much flack he will cop.

Footballers have long been seen as great sportsman but usually lacking in the academic department.  This is a clear cut case of this age old description.   Darren Lockyer must have rocks in his head to have been swayed by that much money from Origin Energy to sell out on the Australian people that easily. 

This will see a move away from Rugby League by a lot of dyed in the wool fans as they put environment up as a priority against the flippancy of sport and sporting heroes.  If our sporting heroes are not going to help us when our plight is at its worst then there will be a lot of people who will take this attitude of their heroes very seriously.

Darren Lockyer is one of the greatest players ever to grace the parks of the world and display his freakish footballing skills, in this case he has just ruined every bit of this reputation he fought long and hard to gain with his wide fan base of footy fans across Australia and the rest of the world.  It has just been annihilated.
Nattai declares itself CSG Free
Nattai declares itself CSG Free (Photo credit: kateausburn)

 Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr

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