Monday, January 07, 2013

Glenugie's Bloody Monday

The day started very early as I was up and on watch at 5am.  Earlier, I had woken to rain and it was gentle and loving.  I was sent on watch with a flat radio,  this didn't  make me feel comfortable. 
I must have been the only one at Glenugie with out a smart-fone.  At least that is how I felt.  I can't communicate the smart way yet as its just outta my range at the moment.  Pardon the pun!

I took a radio with but wasted valuable time and brought it back to camp as it was well flat.  That radio should not have been used at all through the night as there was no alert to call so how it was dead flat??? This puzzled me.  Common sense would tell anyone that radios would be a priority on this Monday morning , since we all suspected this would be the day Metgasco and the police would come.
At the moment the police came I was wondering how we were going to alert the camp.  All these people and NO PHONE .. what the ... Keystone cops again!  Wanda was having a pretend picnic at dawn.  That was pretty funny.   I pulled my little black car out in front of the trucks that had the cherry picker on it.  I thought that will slow them down and it isn't the Police.  I was told I was bad for doing this though. I still have not processed that instance to date  as I thought this was my job to slow them down.
Police talking to tow trucks and tilt tray drivers.. I pulled out in front of these guys and blocked the road for approximately five minutes.  Not much other than this could I do,  but I thought it might help.

Hmmm... now what - Hello everyone the POLICE have arrived enmasse.

Communication to the world was paramount at this particular time. The world needed to know we were under siege right and thankfully because of this determined communicator, instantly they did know.

 This was beautiful this bid to slow the frackers... but the tripod sitter was well locked on and they had to work hard to free him.  This all took time and this is why this is done.  To stop them.

and some of us just sat in a tree and waited because the cherry picker wasn't tank enough to get to the sitter and that part was funny considering this is the truck I got in front of.

Police got very heavy through the day

At 3.15pm the Rig finally got in the gate at Glenugie but not without a gallant fight.

There were 18 arrests, everyone that locked on accept for Wanda was arrested.  Wanda quoted the Sovereign right she has a soul and said she did not stand under the authority. - It worked as she was let go free.
Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr  and facebook too

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