Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Playing Grapes

IMG 5802 Grapes

 The "Mother Plant" in Urunga in 2013

I took a cutting from a Grape Vine that grew in the lane behind the Library in Urunga NSW where we used to live.  I did this about four years ago.  It stayed in a pot for 3 years pretty well and then we planted it into the ground last year after we moved to our new home.

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It seems to  love it where it is and I am building a trellis for it to train on down the side of the car port.   There was so much growth it looked a little odd.  My friend Bruce Derkenne was so helpful when I posted an image of the vine and questioned to do this on social media.  He came straight back with the best information.  So easy really and common sense if I had thought longer about it.
I was keen to keep this conversation where I could refer to it again and to perhaps help others with the same task if they are new to this.
Bruce: Generally you nip all the side shoots off until the vine (terminal bud) is where you want it to go and then let the side shoots (auxiliary buds) sprout for cover and fruit. Each year cut back side shoots after fruiting has finished.

You can have as many terminal buds as you like depending on what area you want to cover or screen xo

Me: you are a god send. Thank you! How will I know which is which... there is a lot going on there?

Bruce: Go back to the start and track them and train them to where you want them to go. Any excess shoots just cut off from the point at which they shoot.

You can be pretty hard on grape vines so don't worry too much about pruning here or there. You do, you learn.

Me: Okkie dokie ... going to have a look now!
You are gold.

They be those ones at the front for example , am I correct?

There are side ones but those front ones are just going straight ahead not sideways.. is that what you mean Bruce, to take those off?

IMG 0428 Grape Vine

When we first planted it into the ground last year at Deepwater NSW.  Planted with lots of love and hope.  It seems to have responded wonderfully, its flowering now and making tiny grapes.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Medicine from Cannabis

Lets define the word 'Medicine'.

From Latin medicina "the healing art", medicine; a remedy. 

So what is a REMEDY then

From re-, intensive prefix (or perhaps literally, "again;" see re-), + mederi "to heal", from Late Latin remedialis "healing, curing," from Latin remedium.

By Hank Schultz, 30-Sep-2016
A new line of dietary supplements from hemp bases its message on the full suite of phytocannabinoids in the products, as well as its aim not to push the edges of the regulatory envelope, its founder says.


So, its pretty clear to the average bear that all of the above definitions talk about healing.  There is nothing in any of the definitions that even remotely say's medicine is something that can kill you,  (ie Chemotherapy, Anti Psychotics, Shock Therapy, SSRI's, Anti-Depressants) the list grows.

Back to the Cannabis / Medicine subject.  The government has been controlling this substance for more years than many of us care to remember now.  For far too long a basically harmless plant has been held back from human kind when our loved ones are ill and are in need of the medicine to survive the conditions of modern living.   This has occurred because of greed and the inability to control the use of the plant in order to make corporations huge profits!   We all know the pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of health.  There are no huge profit margins in healthy people who no longer wish to swallow the jaded therapies orchestrated to keep a certain percentage of the population under control via the use of seriously dangerous mind altering substances that can result in death.  This is done under the guise of "medicine".

Presently, the government want to control this plant for medicinal use and start fiddling around with this part and that part and blah blah blah.  This is a death knell on the empirical value of the plant and its extraordinary  healing capacities.  They are simply barking up the wrong tree doing this and once again wasting time when people could be well.

I have lost count how many times I have said in the defense of Cannabis that only the full spectrum plant extract or the use of the entire plant matter in ingestion will do the healing job effectively!  

The people pushing the fiddling agenda, mainly the under educated passionate do gooder's  pushing for extracts who are blind to the basic facts of medicinal plant use and how and what makes this MEDICINE are responsible for this mess!    It has to cease. These people are simply ignorant because they don't want the science, they are not nescient.  The information has been clearly outlined from countless corners.

Once again we see mankind looking to make a quick dollar and greedy corporations willing to forgo the true benefits by hurtling down the path of extracting and isolating the CBD's and ignoring what the THC compounds do simultaneously to cause healing to happen in the body.  They are willing to go this far all for profit.   An evil section of humanity would partake, motivated by the suffering of others and the ridiculous time wasting testing band wagon created by governments.

The Facts

We have an Endocannabinoid system very similar to our Endocrine system (hormones / switches) and we have Cannabinoid receptors in our bodies.  

Do you for some reason think this is just is in our body by accident?  No, you would not be that silly would you? This plant was used as a medicine for thousands of years up until the 1940's when the DuPont corporation cooked up a good story to sell the public inaccurate information demonizing the plant. This was a strategic business decision in order to make a fortune.  Common sense should tell you something is terribly wrong.

Children who suffer from endless seizures have been cured, soldiers plagued with PTSD have found solace and relief.  Cancers have been cured, eliminated and remitted.  One would have to ask what is wrong with that?

It is a sad indictment of our society to take this laying down and think it is alright.    I have  been concerned by what I have seen regarding this entire subject since 1975 when I first understood the prohibition that occurred in the USA and how successive governments were chided to follow the lead of the American fools.  I joined NORML and learned what I could from reputable sources.

Today, I will say again and again.  Don't fiddle with the medicine. If it works, don't question why.  

You are blessed to have the courage to use Cannabis as medicine if you are new to this type of treatment.  I can imagine that fear would play a great part in not trying it.   When its life and death and this dilemma is faced on the daily, then fear plays an increasingly smaller factor when health is all someone wants to achieve. 

What ailments Cannabis has helped with already....

PTSD.. Shell Shock .. More precisely known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a serious ailment effecting a huge percentage of the population.  243 Australian soldiers have committed suicide after coming home from the Middle Eastern War with extreme cases of PTSD.  They take the meds, and a lot take their life. This is all the government offer for these people who risked their lives, supposedly for us all as a nation. 

We have another large slice of the population trying to cope with PTSD as a direct relation of being brought up by government and church institutions in care, suffering the endless abuse incurred just being a human being and being a helpless child. So many of these people commit suicide too.  Once again the 'Big Pharma' medicine the doctors prescribe is clearly not working. 

In my 57 years I have not seen a positive outcome with friends who have been good patients and taken their meds.  Many are now dead, took their own lives because they could no longer cope with the side effects layered on top of the trauma.

I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  I know this condition way too intimately.  I am aware I would not be the person I am today had I not done what I have had to do over the years and refuse their medications.   This is my life and my  body and my emotions and my pain.  Its not their body, it is mine.  People should be able to use a harmless plant that has so many benefits and not be penalized like a criminal for attempting to find peace and health.  None of that is sensible and all of it is psychotic.

On the use argument, people who don't find benefit  have the free will to cease using the plant with no adverse side effects if they so choose. This is unlike the Big Pharma Medications that can be lethal if you cease to medicate with these.  

Like all substances deemed medicines, not everything is a cure all for everyone. However, not being able to try is basically GENOCIDE on the part of the various lawmakers of the worlds different governments while ever they withhold this from the sick public and waste money making its use a crime.

People are waking up on the daily to the corruption that keeps a few people filthy rich.  Those that haven't woken up will have to catch up or be destined to shrivel via their own heart / brain decisions that  destroy the soul.  

Read more about the Full Spectrum use here https://www.energytherapy.biz/2016/09/01/rick-simpsons-cancer-busting-high-thc-cannabis-oil/

More of my Images @ Flickr

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Blaise Pascal 17th Century

Blaise PascalBlaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist and religious philosopher.   He was born on June 19th in 1623, Clermont-Ferrand, France.   Pascal died of a malignant stomach tumor at his sister Gilberte's home in Paris on August 19th, 1662.

In the 1640s he invented the Pascaline, which was an early calculator.  He also worked to further  Evangelista Torricelli's theory of the cause of barometric variation.  

Blaise Pascal laid the foundations for the modern "Theory of Probabilities".  His religious notes were published posthumously and were known as the "Pensees".

As a young boy he was home schooled by his father and he was forbidden to study Geometry.  His father forbade him this because he harbored a fear that Blaise would not put effort into his other studies and his languages.  Blaise Pascal being a Gemini and having a most curious mind had decided to embark on this by his own volition and quickly adapted his own language to his learning having not had classical teaching.  His father allowed him to study Euclid after this.

Pascal also published a work "Les Provinciales" defending his Jansenist faith within the confines of the Roman Church.




Jansenism was a Catholic theological movement, primarily in France, that emphasized original sin, human depravity, the necessity of divine grace, and predestination. 
The movement originated from the posthumously published work of the Dutch theologian Cornelius Jansen, who died in 1638. 
It was first popularized by Jansen's friend Abbot Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, of Saint-Cyran-en-Brenne Abbey, and after Duvergier's death in 1643, was led by Antoine Arnauld. 
Through the 17th and into the 18th centuries, Jansenism was a distinct movement within the Catholic Church. 
The theological centre of the movement was the convent of Port-Royal Abbey, Paris, which was a haven for writers including Duvergier, Arnauld, Pierre Nicole, Jean Racine and of course Blaise Pascal.

Nicklaus Wirth invented a computer language and named it Pascal in honor of Blaise Pascal and his form of first computer (Pascaline calculator).

He influenced modern thinkers like Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

Newton being a tyrannical figure who had great power and influence over the careers of young scientists and scholars with his position.  He was found to have been out done by one of his peers astronomer John Flamsteed who through the courts managed to stop Newtons heartless
  The weather term Pa is named after Pascal once again for his original efforts he put into

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Nothing to see here? The abuse and neglect of children in care is a century-old story in Australia

Katherine McFarlane, Charles Sturt University
Last night’s Four Corners program presented evidence of widespread abuse and neglect suffered by children in the out-of-home care system. Sadly, it was an all too familiar story. The Australian care system has been subject to criticism for over a century.
Children described bullying, harassment and sexual abuse inflicted by other children who share their homes. Children also described adult men preying on and sexually exploiting girls in “resi” or residential care.
There were allegations of 12-year-olds being left without adequate clothing, stable accommodation or sufficient food, abandoned by the agencies that were supposed to care for them. Private, for-profit agencies were accused of financial mismanagement and rorting of taxpayer funds.
Some of the most horrific allegations didn’t make it to air, but were reserved for the digital broadcast available online immediately after the program. This included recent revelations of an alleged rape in New South Wales by UnitingCare staffers who had been entrusted with the care of 13-year-old “Girl X”, who died from a drug overdose just weeks before she was due to give evidence against her alleged attackers.
The digital broadcast also included the sexual predation by adults of children in Victorian state care, revealed in a “searing condemnation” by Victorian Children’s Commissioner Bernie Geary. This is an issue that the South Australian Child Protection Systems Royal Commission has also exposed.

A familiar story

Depressingly, the Four Corners program did not reveal much that was new. My own research has identified equally devastating statistics of abuse and neglect of children in care. Almost a quarter of the children in my study had been abused while in care, in what were meant to be safe placements.
The abuse, which was confirmed by state authorities, took the form of physical beatings, violence and sexual assault. The younger the child, the more likely they were to have been hurt while in care. A third of children under 13 years of age had been abused and a quarter had attempted suicide.
It would be naive to assume that the child welfare system is always benevolent and focused on providing nurture, protection and support. It cannot be guaranteed that the type of placement or the level of care provided is always based on a child’s needs. But across Australia, outcomes for children in care are generally regarded as highly unsatisfactory.
The United Nations (UN) has called attention to the “widespread reports of inadequacies and abuse” in Australian care systems. The UN has complained of the inadequate screening, training, support and assessment of carers. It has also complained of the inappropriate placements of children, and the mental health issues that are “exacerbated by (or caused in) care”.
Children in care have worse life outcomes than their peers. Whether we’re measuring health, education, employment, stability, well-being, social inclusion, financial and emotional security or involvement in the criminal justice system, children in care perform badly, even when compared to children of roughly comparable backgrounds and problems.

A century-old problem

In the 1870s, a scathing assessment of the Australian care system by British child welfare reformers the Hill Sisters led to a royal commission into charities.
On average, there has been a major inquiry into aspects of the child welfare system every three years since then.
The abuse suffered by children in care is exposed regularly. Every time, it’s met with the same excuses and promises. The children are presented as damaged, rather than the systems that are failing them. Agencies hide behind their professed best intentions and talk about “difficult” children.
Governments spruik their support for “salt of the earth carers” and the “saints” of child welfare. These governments are afraid that if they probe too deeply into the failings of the system and agencies, they will be left holding the baby. The focus shifts from the care agencies’ failure to protect vulnerable children, to airing agencies’ calls for additional funding and even earlier intervention.
The UK House of Commons has said that:
many of the things we wish would happen in the care system would follow naturally if the system and those who work within it were minded, and enabled, to act more like parents.

The failure of government

Government interventions to enforce this have proved spectacularly unsuccessful. The mountain of memorandums of understanding, guidelines, compacts, heads of agreement, committees, regulations, legislation, independent inquiries and reports established over the past 20 years in New South Wales alone have failed to improve things for children in care. Measures designed to protect children have not overcome the system’s inadequacies nor even begun to address the often questionable motivation and practices of the various players in the child welfare sector.
Government failure to hold the bureaucracy and its non-government sector partners accountable for poor decisions, inadequate oversight and accountability and the inefficient use of resources that erode the effective operations of the out of home care system is an indictment on us all.
These failures have allowed the problem of abuse and neglect in care to seem insurmountable, regardless of the devastation caused to the children concerned. There have been repeated professions of political goodwill and the commitment of countless millions of dollars across child welfare, juvenile justice, homelessness, education and health services. Despite this, we have failed to stop kids being abused by the very people we have trusted to care for them.
That the matters reported last night on Four Corners are occurring at the very time we have a Royal Commission watching the system shows the practitioners and agencies responsible for the neglect and abuse of children in their care have little to fear.
The Conversation

Katherine McFarlane, Senior Lecturer in Justice Studies, Charles Sturt University
This article was originally published on The Conversation.

Read the original article.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Tu'ulenana Iuli at Standing Rock.

This is my friend Tu from Bellingen NSW Australia and he is at Standing Rock in Nth Dakota right now.  He is renowned for doing his famous Haka and I am so proud he is dancing here at Standing Rock.
The North Dakota Pipeline is a black poisonous snake.

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Tu standing up against the closure of Aboriginal Communities
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My favorite image of Tu with Uncle T** at a rally against Csg Mining in Bellingen NSW Australia. I am feeling a sense of strength from knowing that someone I know and love is standing up against this filthy pipeline and the filthy politics playing into this.  It effects us all.  Thank you Tu'ulenana Iuli