Saturday, January 13, 2018

Masonic Lodges and their street #'s

My friend and I per chanced to go into the antique shop in Tenterfield that was once the Tenterfield branch of the Masonic Lodge. As I walked up the steps, I was immediately overwhelmed by the number on the door. It was 369. I already know that Tesla thought these sequence of numbers to be magic and so my interest was sparked.

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Old Tenterfield Lodge

I came home to my little village where I live at Deepwater NSW and went straight to the building that was once the Masonic Lodge to see its street number. I was amazed when I found it to be 64. I wondered was I seeing a pattern emerging here with the street numbering?
Flowing water, grain, and even people moving into passage ways or grain into funnels, once the figure or number gets to 64% it then gridlocks. The curious thing is, up to that point or percentage it all flows like water and after that point or percentage the entire thing acts like a solid. I find these bizarre facts most interesting. The funny thing about that is the numbers 6 + 4 = 10 which comes back to ONE... and once things get to 64% it behaves like ONE! Here is one exponential pattern that is really obvious (1 2 4 8 16 32 64) Cells divide under this pattern. The Solar plexus Chakra's symbol is a Lotus Flower. The lotus flower has 64 tips. What is the correlation here? What is the connection to the sun with this because its rules the solar plexus chakra. So as you can see the number 64 is embedded into all the ancient systems.
Image may contain: sky, house, tree and outdoor
Old Deepwater Lodge
I have full intention now to photograph the lodges of the towns I visit and check on their street numbers and see what knowledge was secreted in front of peoples eyes.

Some websites you might like to check out regarding the magic of 64

More images of old Australian buildings can be found here at FLICKR

Friday, January 05, 2018

Crocosmia by Gardener Dave


Crocosmia by Gardener Dave
Occasionally when I find a plant I like and am curious about, I like to research it for more information. Many years ago on a trip to the British Isles, I saw a plant in a garden that attracted my attention because of its bright color and unique bloom shape. I saw a name on a label, and determined to find out more about it when I returned home.  I found that most of its cultivars are not really hardy hereon the Front Range, but wanted to try it anyway. 
Crocosmia – a perennial in the iris-gladiola family – is a South African native.They grow from underground corms which are unusual in forming vertical chains with the youngest corm on top and the oldest buried the most deeply.  The leaves are linear and parallel-veined. The lowest corm is reported to “…have ‘contractile’ roots which try to drag the corm chain deeper into the ground”.  I have had mine for 3 years and have not yet dug them up to examine the corm chain structure, but they may have had problems “sinking” in our mostly non-loamy soil. They like enriched sandy loam soil with good drainage and moderate moisture. They grow 2-4 feet tall in a season in our climate.  I plan to dig mine up this fall after blooming and replant some of the corms. I am curious to see what they look like. The corms should be easily separable for propagation, and should be fall-planted for next season blooms.  Although hardier than glads, they are semi-hardy in our Front Range climate, and should have winter mulch if planted in the open garden. Otherwise, dig and store them like gladiolas.
IMG 0149 

Thanks to Gardener Dave and his love of Crocosmia's has helped me to find out what this plant is I have.  Its flowers are spectacular.  My friend told me her mother called them "Dirty Shirts"  because you always find them in dark corners.

I took some photographs of my potted Crocosmia's and I know you will love them.  I make twine from the green foliage as it is very strong and changes to a beautiful brown colour.

Images @ Eminpee Fotography